Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What is the happiness project?

The only thing I truly want in my life is to be truly happy. I believe everyone can get to that state, but some may not know how. Though, I may be in an early stage of life, at the mere age of 20, I have a few tricks up my sleeve, with some assistance from my friends and family and from what I see in everyday life. Many times in my life I am over the top happy and I love when I climb to that point, but other times I feel so down in the dumps that nothing seems worth crawling out of bed for (not even a diet dew). I wonder what makes a person happy and how can someone be an all around happy person.

During spring break my senior year of high school I discovered a book called, The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin (which I'd highly recommend reading). That book is what inspired me to venture on my way to my very own happiness project. I found myself highlighting key words and phrases throughout the book I would like to try for myself. Before I knew it, I've highlighted every damn page. She starts her journey over a course of a year starting in January. Keep in mind that ultimate happiness is a journey and won't happen over night. She takes each step of her project a month at a time, ending her project in December. I'll be using some steps and tips from this book as well as a few of my own for which I believe can lead to the ultimate happy.

Many people believe that happiness is a goal, which for many, it is.

But I think we owe it to ourselves to live the best possible life we can with laughter, optimism, and for myself, a lot of diet dew.

But, with happiness, comes sleep, and after countless hours of work and constructing this blog, sleep and relaxation is NEEDED!

1) Put yourself first:
--You have one life to live to it's fullest so you might as well do it thinking of yourself first.

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